
Lockheed P2V Neptune sits in the Hawkins and Powers storage area in Greybull, Wyoming. Hawkins and Powers like many other aerial firefighting companies used the Neptune as a firefighting tanker. There were 1,181 Neptunes built between 1946 and 1979 of which approximately 40 still fly.
The Neptune barely missed involvement in WWII but it was used extensively in both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, becoming the standard Anti-Submarine Warfare platform for not only the USA but the Netherlands, Japan and many other nations. The P2V was produced in many different variants such as Airborne Early Warning (P2V-3W / P-2D), Nuclear weapons carrier (P2V-3C), VIP transport (P2V-3Z), Special-sensor aircraft (OP-2E/AP-2E), Drone controller (DP-2E / DP-2H), crew trainer (TP-2F), Antarctic ski-plane (LP-2J), Electronic surveillance (RB-69A), Target tug (UP-2J) and Gunship (AP-2H).
The Neptune barely missed involvement in WWII but it was used extensively in both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, becoming the standard Anti-Submarine Warfare platform for not only the USA but the Netherlands, Japan and many other nations. The P2V was produced in many different variants such as Airborne Early Warning (P2V-3W / P-2D), Nuclear weapons carrier (P2V-3C), VIP transport (P2V-3Z), Special-sensor aircraft (OP-2E/AP-2E), Drone controller (DP-2E / DP-2H), crew trainer (TP-2F), Antarctic ski-plane (LP-2J), Electronic surveillance (RB-69A), Target tug (UP-2J) and Gunship (AP-2H).
Rick Pisio / RWP Photography